
Expérience papier, layout

Overview of the layout of my research. I have endeavored to highlight the paper material through various graphic, typographic, and editorial choices, with the concept of usage and manipulation of the object at the core of my reflection.

I attempted to create a publication that aligns with its purpose. I sought to enhance the use of paper as a material by choosing various types of paper, each with its own distinct qualities, rather than opting for anything extraordinary.

I opted for a Swiss binding method that provides direct access to the spine, which is the book's backbone. The format is slightly shorter in width than A5, requiring the reader to hold it more firmly to get as close as possible to the material.

I chose to work with a composition grid to organize text blocks and illustrations, and then I played with slight misalignments on each of these elements to create a sense of imperfect cutting or a more artisanal layout. This, in turn, prompts readers to question the object's production and, consequently, the manufacturing techniques when they engage in reading.
